Monday, October 2

This is the end, my only friend the end...

I leave at 3pm today. This weekend has been a blur. I had to see so many people and do so many things not only in preparation for the move, but also for my freelance job. It's a real pain when you're 95% done and the client calls you and changes things up. But you deal.

I've said goodbye to my coworkers and to my friends. I used to think saying goodbye and cutting ties would be the hardest thing because for some reason it was assumed that I'd never talk to or see them again. Then a couple months ago my friend Akk told me "It's not goodbye, it's "I'll see you later." And it's true. I don't feel sad when I say goodbye anymore. The people I saw this weekend are my real friends, and they're exactly who I thought they were. When we meet again we'll fall back to just how we left it, taking Soco Limes and Washington Apples with pitchers of Miller Lite. On Autumn's tab, no less!

Rather, I'm sad to say goodbye to the little things I found joy in, on a daily basis. These are things I'll never have again--like making fun of my little sister all day because she's flipping out like the teenage girl she is. Or sitting at the dinner table with my mom every night, just talking or sitting in silence.. but always together. These little, tiny nuances in life kept me happy, and today that is what I'm saying goodbye to. These things made home *home,* and I will never live in the same house as these people again.

Today, I say goodbye to my family.

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