Thursday, March 15

Phase 2

I'm headed into the next phase of NY life. My job is good, it's gotten me into a good rhythm. The guys I work with are real laid back and chill. Money is coming in steadily and I still practice my thrifty ways... I haven't bought any celebratory items nor do I intend to until I put a dent into my credit card debt accumulated during my transition.

But I am moving. Downtown. Closer to work and closer to the amaziness which makes New York New York.

It's a 7 bedroom on the edge of Chinatown with a very diverse group of 20-somethings. Walking distance to Little Italy and Soho, short train ride to the East Village and Union Square.

The thing that gets to me is rent. It's so fuckin expensive here. It is almost impossible to pay less than $1500/month for a room unless I live in the ghetto. And I guess I'm cool with it.