Tuesday, October 17


I moved into my apartment Sunday and I'm never driving that much again in my life! I went from Detroit to Pittsburgh to Philadelphia to New York to Philadelphia to Jacksonville to New York to Philadelphia and finally back to New York. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast seeing the country, visiting Alex, and doing whatever I wanted, but man.. those 14 hr trips on I-95 sucked.

The worst was Saturday night. I was just south of Washington DC and the highway split. It was 11pm and I'd been driving since 1pm, having stopped only twice for gas, and there was a split in the highway. A little dazed by random muscle cramps and hunger, I went on the wrong side of the split then immediatedly decided to stop for the night because of it. The motel I stayed out turned out to be in the shadiest part of DC. At the Wendy's, dude was making a deal out of the drive through window. The gas station had a cop chilling in the parking lot. At the motel, it was a non stop flow of hoodrats and their women rolling in and out. The motel office had a barred window to serve their clientele.

In the morning, the parking lot was clear of the old Impalas with unproportionally large tailpipes and the restaraunt was filled with senior citizens. Go figure.

Otherwise, I made to New York and have started looking for a job.

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