Thursday, January 4

How Do I Get To Point D? Get to Point C and 1/2

Point A: Academic Life
Point B: Graphic Artist for UMHS, Department of Radiology, Media Division/Freelance Industrial Designer
Point C: Unemployed in New York with increasing debt
Point D: Full time Industrial Design job
Point E: Business Owner

To get to points D and E, my chances increase a millionfold if I stay in New York rather than relocate elsewhere (meaning move back home). So moving point C to point D means I need to stop increasing my debt and find a sustainable lifestyle in New York. Staying in New York is my only mission at this moment in time.

To stay, I will get a job of any kind. Options include temp work, waiting tables, record stores, book stores, retail stores, electronics stores. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it pays the rent, puts food in my stomach, and gets me a MetroCard. Nothing else matters at this point in time. Not any business scheme, not my social life, not my portfolio. A meaningless job is all that matters.

This is Point C and 1/2.

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